
Polysphere Pro


Polysphere Pro is placing a set of 12 colorful pieces into a two-dimensional puzzle board. The pieces have different forms, and the goal is to arrange them so that they fit together. Pattern Matching Puzzles frequently need spatial reasoning, vision, and strategic thinking. Identifying and managing patterns in a spatial context is required to solve them. Arranging parts to match a precise pattern, building structures, or accomplishing objectives within a limited space can all be challenging.


This puzzle is another step to improve the web developing skill for the individual who are studying the courses related to Computer Science. The players with higher IQ skills can do brainstorming by solving this puzzle. Placing the different forms of pieces in the corret movement is challenging for the players of this puzzle. Players have to think about not only the right place but also the right angle of each pieces. The more tricks by flipping the pieces the players know, the closer to the solutions they will be.

How many solutions ?

Implemented Donald Knuth’s Algorithm X for exact cover problem to solve our Polysphere puzzle rather than primitive backracking algorithm techniques. The algorithm efficiently produced 80,445 solutions within a duration of 39 minutes.


Combinations of rotation and flips are limited due to logical constraints but the feature is usable.

Author: ASE Group 6

A group of students from the module Advanced Software Engineering studying at the University of Sussex.