
Polysphere Extreme


This game is for extremist puzzle solvers where players manipulate and solve puzzles in a pyramid-shaped structures and three-dimensional spherical objects. Challenges may involve adjusting or placing the different pieces within a three-dimensional space to get a pyramid structure.


As a extreme puzzle solver, players in this puzzle needs to have creative thinking. Each steps to solve this puzzle has different kinds of tricks and developer of this puzzle game solver are intended to introduce another extreme level puzzle game to those who would like to improve their creative skills.

How many solutions ?

There are 26,720 possible solutions within 33-35 min by using Donald Knuth Algorithm X in this puzzle solver.


There are no limitation as of yet except for user can place pieces adjacently without following the pieces structure but the solutions wont be calculated as there are logical restricrion placed to overcome the issue for now.

Author: ASE Group 6

A group of students from the module Advanced Software Engineering studying at the University of Sussex.