* Solves the given problem using a Dancing Link algorithm.
* @generator
* @function solve
* @param {Object} X - The input object containing the problem data.
* @param {Object} Y - The input object containing the problem constraints.
* @param {Array} [solution=[]] - The current solution being built.
* @yields {Array} - The next valid solution found.
function* solve(X, Y, solution = []) {
if (Object.keys(X).length === 0) {
yield Array.from(solution);
} else {
let min_count = Infinity;
let min_col;
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(X)) {
if (value.size < min_count) {
min_count = value.size;
min_col = key;
for (let row of Array.from(X[min_col])) {
let cols = cover(X, Y, row);
for (let s of solve(X, Y, solution)) {
yield s;
uncover(X, Y, row, cols);
* Removes redundant elements from the input set and returns the remaining elements as an array.
* @param {Object} X - The input set represented as an object.
* @param {Array} Y - The input set represented as an array.
* @param {number} r - The index of the element to be covered.
* @returns {Array} - The remaining elements after removing redundancies.
function cover(X, Y, r) {
let cols = [];
for (let j of Y[r]) {
for (let i of Array.from(X[j])) {
for (let k of Y[i]) {
if (k !== j) {
delete X[j];
return cols;
* Uncover function assigns colors to the vertices of a graph in a specific order.
* It starts from the last row and assigns colors to the vertices in reverse order.
* For each vertex, it assigns a color and updates the adjacent vertices' colors.
* @param {Array<Set<number>>} X - An array of sets representing the vertices and their assigned colors.
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} Y - An array of arrays representing the adjacency list of the graph.
* @param {number} r - The index of the row to start uncovering from.
* @param {Array<any>} cols - An array of colors to assign to the vertices.
function uncover(X, Y, r, cols) {
for (let j of Y[r].slice().reverse()) {
X[j] = cols.pop();
for (let i of Array.from(X[j])) {
for (let k of Y[i]) {
if (k !== j) {
* Solves the exact cover problem using the Dancing Links algorithm.
* @param {Object} items - The items to be covered.
* @param {Object} sets - The sets of items.
* @returns {Array} - The solution to the exact cover problem.
export function dlx(items, sets) {
let X = {};
let Y = {};
let solution = [];
let headers = Object.keys(items).concat(Object.keys(sets));
for (let i = 1; i <= Object.keys(items).length; i++) {
X[i] = new Set(items[headers[i - 1]]);
for (let j = 1; j <= Object.keys(sets).length; j++) {
Y[j] = Array.from(sets[headers[Object.keys(items).length + j - 1]]);
return solve(X, Y, solution);
//// Example usage:
//for (let solution of dlx(items, sets)) {
// console.log(solution);
export { solve };