Module polysphere_app.views
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import os
import shutil
import time
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
from django.db.backends import mysql
import mysql.connector
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods
from .kanoodle import Kanoodle
from .models import *
from .puzzle_pieces import PuzzlePieces
import re
# Sets the grid height and width
grid_width = 11
grid_height = 5
# Set global start_time
start_time = time.time()
end_time = 0
def landing(request):
Renders the landing page and handles the form submission.
If the request method is POST, it retrieves the data from the landing form,
stores it in the session, and redirects to the 'levels' view.
If the request method is GET, it renders the landing.html template.
request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object.
HttpResponse: The HTTP response object.
if request.method == 'POST':
data_from_landing = request.POST.get('data_from_landing', '')
request.session['data_from_landing'] = data_from_landing
return redirect('polysphere:levels')
return render(request, 'polysphere_app/landing.html')
def levels(request):
Renders the 'levels.html' template and passes the 'data_from_landing' variable from the session to the template.
request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object.
HttpResponse: The rendered response.
data_from_landing = request.session.get('data_from_landing', '')
return render(request, 'polysphere_app/levels.html', {'data_from_landing': data_from_landing})
def submit_kanoodle_problem(request):
Submits a Kanoodle problem to the server and returns the solution.
request: The HTTP request object.
A JSON response containing the problem ID, solution, and time taken in milliseconds.
# Assume data is now coming from a predefined function or file
piece_descriptions = get_pieces_data()
grid_width = 3
grid_height = 3
# Create a KanoodleProblem instance and store in the database
problem = KanoodleProblem.objects.create(
# Solve the problem using Kanoodle logic
start_time = time.time()
solutions_str = Kanoodle.findAllSolutions(piece_descriptions, grid_width, grid_height)
end_time = time.time()
# Create a KanoodleSolution instance and store in the database
KanoodleSolution.objects.create(problem=problem, solution_data=solutions_str)
# Return the response
return JsonResponse({
'solution': solutions_str,
'time_taken_ms': (end_time - start_time) * 1000
}, status=201)
def get_kanoodle_solution(request, problem_id):
Retrieve the Kanoodle problem and its solutions.
request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object.
problem_id (int): The ID of the Kanoodle problem.
JsonResponse: The JSON response containing the problem ID and its solutions.
KanoodleProblem.DoesNotExist: If the Kanoodle problem with the given ID does not exist.
# Retrieve the problem and its solutions
problem = KanoodleProblem.objects.get(id=problem_id)
solutions =
# Format the solutions for the response
solutions_data = [sol.get_solution_data() for sol in solutions]
return JsonResponse({
'problem_id': problem_id,
'solutions': solutions_data
except KanoodleProblem.DoesNotExist:
return JsonResponse({'error': 'Problem not found.'}, status=404)
def get_pieces_data():
Retrieves the data of puzzle pieces.
dict: A dictionary containing the data of puzzle pieces, including shape, grid, image path, and rotation.
puzzle_pieces_data = PuzzlePieces.pieces_data.copy()
for piece in PuzzlePiece.objects.all():
puzzle_pieces_data[piece.shape] = {
'shape': piece.shape,
'grid': piece.get_grid(),
'image_path': piece.image_path,
'rotation': piece.rotation
return puzzle_pieces_data
def generate_solution_image(solution_matrix, pieces_data, block_size=50):
Generate a solution image based on the solution matrix and pieces data.
solution_matrix (list): A 2D matrix representing the solution.
pieces_data (dict): A dictionary mapping piece symbols to their corresponding image data.
block_size (int, optional): The size of each block in pixels. Defaults to 50.
BytesIO: An in-memory file containing the generated solution image.
solution_width = len(solution_matrix[0]) * block_size
solution_height = len(solution_matrix) * block_size
solution_image ='RGB', (solution_width, solution_height),
(128, 128, 128)) # Create grey background image
for row_idx, row in enumerate(solution_matrix):
for col_idx, piece_symbol in enumerate(row):
if piece_symbol in pieces_data: # Make sure the piece symbol exists in the data
piece_symbol = pieces_data[piece_symbol]
# Ensure the position is calculated correctly: (x, y) format
position = (col_idx * block_size, row_idx * block_size)
# print(f"Placeing {piece_symbol} at {position}, Image Size: {solution_image.size}")
display_piece(piece_symbol, position, block_size, solution_image)
# Instead of showing the image, save it to an in-memory file
image_io = BytesIO(), 'WebP')
return image_io
# Django view that returns an image response
def get_list_of_solution_matrices():
Retrieves a list of solution matrices for the Kanoodle puzzle.
list: A list of solution matrices.
kanoodle_solver = Kanoodle()
# Directly use the pieces_data to get the list of grids
list_of_grids = [value['grid'] for key, value in PuzzlePieces.pieces_data.items()]
grid_strings = []
for grid in list_of_grids:
# Call the findAllSolutions method with the list of grids and the puzzle dimensions
solutions = kanoodle_solver.findAllSolutions(grid_strings, grid_width, grid_height)
global end_time
end_time = time.time()
solutions = solutions.split("\n\n")
return solutions
def generate_solution_gallery(request):
Generates a solution gallery by looping through each solution,
generating an image for it, and adding the path to the file.
request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object.
HttpResponse: The HTTP response object.
# solutions = get_list_of_solution_matrices()
# solutions = [solution.split("\n") for solution in solutions]
# time_taken = end_time - start_time
# print(f"{len(solutions)} solutions found in {time_taken}")
# pieces_data = get_pieces_data()
# Create a temporary directory within MEDIA_ROOT
# media_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
# if not os.path.exists(media_dir):
# os.makedirs(media_dir)
# # Temporary storage for images
# fs = FileSystemStorage(location=media_dir)
# Clears the media folder of existing files before generating the new ones
# clear_solutions(media_dir)
# List to hold the paths of the generated images
image_paths = []
# Loop through each solution, generating an image for it and adding the path to the file
for idx in range(0, 80444):
# image_io = generate_solution_image(solution_matrix, pieces_data)
# filename = f'media/solution_{idx}.webp'
# image_path = fs.url(filename)
image_path = f'media/solution_{idx}.webp'
data_from_landing = request.session.get('data_from_landing', '')
return render(request, 'polysphere_app/kanoodle-solver.html', {'data_from_landing': data_from_landing})
# return render(request, 'polysphere_app/kanoodle-solver.html')
# return render(request, 'polysphere_app/dashboard.html', {'image_paths': image_paths})
def clear_solutions(directory):
Clears all the solution files and directories in the given directory.
directory (str): The path to the directory containing the solution files.
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.startswith("solution"):
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path):
elif os.path.isdir(file_path):
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s' % (file_path, e))
def display_piece(piece_data, position, block_size, solution_image):
Display a piece on the solution image at the specified position.
piece_data (dict): The data of the piece, including its image path and rotation.
position (tuple): The position where the piece should be placed on the solution image.
block_size (int): The size of each block in the solution image.
solution_image (PIL.Image.Image): The solution image.
image_path = piece_data['image_path']
# Open the image file corresponding to the piece
with as piece_image:
# Apply rotations to images
if piece_data['rotation'] != 0:
piece_image = piece_image.rotate(piece_data['rotation'], expand=True)
# Resize the image if necessary
piece_image = piece_image.resize((block_size, block_size))
# Check if the piece fits within the solution image
if position[0] + piece_image.width <= solution_image.width and position[
1] + piece_image.height <= solution_image.height:
# Paste the piece image onto the solution image at the calculated position
solution_image.paste(piece_image, position, piece_image)
def generate_regex_pattern(partial_solution):
Generate a regular expression pattern based on a partial solution.
partial_solution (list): A 2D list representing a partial solution.
str: The regular expression pattern generated from the partial solution.
pattern = ""
for row in partial_solution:
row_pattern = ""
for cell in row:
if cell == ' ':
row_pattern += '.' # Any character
row_pattern += cell # Specific character
pattern += row_pattern + "\n"
return pattern.rstrip("\n")
def find_partial_solutions(request):
Finds partial solutions based on the given request.
request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object.
JsonResponse: The JSON response containing the partial solutions or an error message.
# If a request sent from the webpage
if request.method == 'POST':
# Assigns a variable to the partial configuration and generates a regex pattern from it
configuration = json.loads(request.body)
regex_pattern = generate_regex_pattern(configuration)
# Opens the solutions.txt file
with open(
'r') as file:
solutions_text =
# Split the text into individual solutions
raw_solutions = solutions_text.strip().split('\n\n')
# Format each solution with newline characters
formatted_solutions = ['\n'.join(solution.split('\n')) for solution in raw_solutions]
# Matches pattern to solutions
matching_solutions = []
for solution in formatted_solutions:
if re.match(regex_pattern, solution, re.DOTALL):
# Gets the matching solutions' image_paths from database
return get_partial_solutions(matching_solutions)
return JsonResponse({'error:': 'Invalid request'}, status=400)
def get_partial_solutions(matching_solutions):
Retrieves partial solutions from the database based on the given matching solutions.
matching_solutions (list): A list of matching solutions.
dict: A JSON response containing the image paths of the matching patterns.
# Establish database connection
conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='', port='6969', user='asegroup6', passwd='ASEgroup6mysql@2023##',
# conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', port='3306', user='root', passwd='',
# db='group_6_project')
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Gets matching patterns from the database
img_paths = []
for match in matching_solutions:
print("Match found:", match)
query = "SELECT img_path FROM kanoodle_solver WHERE mapping LIKE %s"
match_with_wildcard = f"%{match}%"
cursor.execute(query, (match_with_wildcard,))
img_paths.extend([row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()])
# Returns a Json response
return JsonResponse({'img_paths': img_paths})
def clear_solutions(directory)
Clears all the solution files and directories in the given directory.
- The path to the directory containing the solution files.
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def clear_solutions(directory): """ Clears all the solution files and directories in the given directory. Args: directory (str): The path to the directory containing the solution files. Returns: None """ for filename in os.listdir(directory): if filename.startswith("solution"): file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: print('Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s' % (file_path, e))
def display_piece(piece_data, position, block_size, solution_image)
Display a piece on the solution image at the specified position.
- The data of the piece, including its image path and rotation.
- The position where the piece should be placed on the solution image.
- The size of each block in the solution image.
- The solution image.
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def display_piece(piece_data, position, block_size, solution_image): """ Display a piece on the solution image at the specified position. Args: piece_data (dict): The data of the piece, including its image path and rotation. position (tuple): The position where the piece should be placed on the solution image. block_size (int): The size of each block in the solution image. solution_image (PIL.Image.Image): The solution image. Returns: None """ image_path = piece_data['image_path'] # Open the image file corresponding to the piece with as piece_image: # Apply rotations to images if piece_data['rotation'] != 0: piece_image = piece_image.rotate(piece_data['rotation'], expand=True) # Resize the image if necessary piece_image = piece_image.resize((block_size, block_size)) # Check if the piece fits within the solution image if position[0] + piece_image.width <= solution_image.width and position[ 1] + piece_image.height <= solution_image.height: # Paste the piece image onto the solution image at the calculated position solution_image.paste(piece_image, position, piece_image)
def find_partial_solutions(request)
Finds partial solutions based on the given request.
- The HTTP request object.
- The JSON response containing the partial solutions or an error message.
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def find_partial_solutions(request): """ Finds partial solutions based on the given request. Args: request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. Returns: JsonResponse: The JSON response containing the partial solutions or an error message. """ # If a request sent from the webpage if request.method == 'POST': # Assigns a variable to the partial configuration and generates a regex pattern from it configuration = json.loads(request.body) regex_pattern = generate_regex_pattern(configuration) # Opens the solutions.txt file with open( r'polysphere_app/solutions/all_solutions.txt', 'r') as file: solutions_text = # Split the text into individual solutions raw_solutions = solutions_text.strip().split('\n\n') # Format each solution with newline characters formatted_solutions = ['\n'.join(solution.split('\n')) for solution in raw_solutions] # Matches pattern to solutions matching_solutions = [] for solution in formatted_solutions: if re.match(regex_pattern, solution, re.DOTALL): matching_solutions.append(solution) # Gets the matching solutions' image_paths from database return get_partial_solutions(matching_solutions) else: return JsonResponse({'error:': 'Invalid request'}, status=400)
def generate_regex_pattern(partial_solution)
Generate a regular expression pattern based on a partial solution.
- A 2D list representing a partial solution.
- The regular expression pattern generated from the partial solution.
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def generate_regex_pattern(partial_solution): """ Generate a regular expression pattern based on a partial solution. Args: partial_solution (list): A 2D list representing a partial solution. Returns: str: The regular expression pattern generated from the partial solution. """ pattern = "" for row in partial_solution: row_pattern = "" for cell in row: if cell == ' ': row_pattern += '.' # Any character else: row_pattern += cell # Specific character pattern += row_pattern + "\n" return pattern.rstrip("\n")
def generate_solution_gallery(request)
Generates a solution gallery by looping through each solution, generating an image for it, and adding the path to the file.
- The HTTP request object.
- The HTTP response object.
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def generate_solution_gallery(request): """ Generates a solution gallery by looping through each solution, generating an image for it, and adding the path to the file. Args: request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. Returns: HttpResponse: The HTTP response object. """ # solutions = get_list_of_solution_matrices() # solutions = [solution.split("\n") for solution in solutions] # time_taken = end_time - start_time # print(f"{len(solutions)} solutions found in {time_taken}") # pieces_data = get_pieces_data() # Create a temporary directory within MEDIA_ROOT # media_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT) # if not os.path.exists(media_dir): # os.makedirs(media_dir) # # # Temporary storage for images # fs = FileSystemStorage(location=media_dir) # Clears the media folder of existing files before generating the new ones # clear_solutions(media_dir) # List to hold the paths of the generated images image_paths = [] # Loop through each solution, generating an image for it and adding the path to the file for idx in range(0, 80444): # image_io = generate_solution_image(solution_matrix, pieces_data) # filename = f'media/solution_{idx}.webp' # image_path = fs.url(filename) image_path = f'media/solution_{idx}.webp' image_paths.append(image_path) data_from_landing = request.session.get('data_from_landing', '') return render(request, 'polysphere_app/kanoodle-solver.html', {'data_from_landing': data_from_landing}) # return render(request, 'polysphere_app/kanoodle-solver.html') # return render(request, 'polysphere_app/dashboard.html', {'image_paths': image_paths})
def generate_solution_image(solution_matrix, pieces_data, block_size=50)
Generate a solution image based on the solution matrix and pieces data.
- A 2D matrix representing the solution.
- A dictionary mapping piece symbols to their corresponding image data.
, optional- The size of each block in pixels. Defaults to 50.
- An in-memory file containing the generated solution image.
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def generate_solution_image(solution_matrix, pieces_data, block_size=50): """ Generate a solution image based on the solution matrix and pieces data. Args: solution_matrix (list): A 2D matrix representing the solution. pieces_data (dict): A dictionary mapping piece symbols to their corresponding image data. block_size (int, optional): The size of each block in pixels. Defaults to 50. Returns: BytesIO: An in-memory file containing the generated solution image. """ solution_width = len(solution_matrix[0]) * block_size solution_height = len(solution_matrix) * block_size solution_image ='RGB', (solution_width, solution_height), (128, 128, 128)) # Create grey background image for row_idx, row in enumerate(solution_matrix): for col_idx, piece_symbol in enumerate(row): if piece_symbol in pieces_data: # Make sure the piece symbol exists in the data piece_symbol = pieces_data[piece_symbol] # Ensure the position is calculated correctly: (x, y) format position = (col_idx * block_size, row_idx * block_size) # print(f"Placeing {piece_symbol} at {position}, Image Size: {solution_image.size}") display_piece(piece_symbol, position, block_size, solution_image) # Instead of showing the image, save it to an in-memory file image_io = BytesIO(), 'WebP') return image_io
def get_kanoodle_solution(request, problem_id)
Retrieve the Kanoodle problem and its solutions.
- The HTTP request object.
- The ID of the Kanoodle problem.
- The JSON response containing the problem ID and its solutions.
- If the Kanoodle problem with the given ID does not exist.
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@require_http_methods(["GET"]) def get_kanoodle_solution(request, problem_id): """ Retrieve the Kanoodle problem and its solutions. Args: request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. problem_id (int): The ID of the Kanoodle problem. Returns: JsonResponse: The JSON response containing the problem ID and its solutions. Raises: KanoodleProblem.DoesNotExist: If the Kanoodle problem with the given ID does not exist. """ try: # Retrieve the problem and its solutions problem = KanoodleProblem.objects.get(id=problem_id) solutions = # Format the solutions for the response solutions_data = [sol.get_solution_data() for sol in solutions] return JsonResponse({ 'problem_id': problem_id, 'solutions': solutions_data }) except KanoodleProblem.DoesNotExist: return JsonResponse({'error': 'Problem not found.'}, status=404)
def get_list_of_solution_matrices()
Retrieves a list of solution matrices for the Kanoodle puzzle.
- A list of solution matrices.
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def get_list_of_solution_matrices(): """ Retrieves a list of solution matrices for the Kanoodle puzzle. Returns: list: A list of solution matrices. """ kanoodle_solver = Kanoodle() # Directly use the pieces_data to get the list of grids list_of_grids = [value['grid'] for key, value in PuzzlePieces.pieces_data.items()] grid_strings = [] for grid in list_of_grids: grid_strings.append("\n".join(grid)) # Call the findAllSolutions method with the list of grids and the puzzle dimensions solutions = kanoodle_solver.findAllSolutions(grid_strings, grid_width, grid_height) global end_time end_time = time.time() solutions = solutions.split("\n\n") return solutions
def get_partial_solutions(matching_solutions)
Retrieves partial solutions from the database based on the given matching solutions.
- A list of matching solutions.
- A JSON response containing the image paths of the matching patterns.
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def get_partial_solutions(matching_solutions): """ Retrieves partial solutions from the database based on the given matching solutions. Args: matching_solutions (list): A list of matching solutions. Returns: dict: A JSON response containing the image paths of the matching patterns. """ # Establish database connection conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='', port='6969', user='asegroup6', passwd='ASEgroup6mysql@2023##', db='group_6_project') # conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', port='3306', user='root', passwd='', # db='group_6_project') cursor = conn.cursor() print(len(matching_solutions)) # Gets matching patterns from the database img_paths = [] for match in matching_solutions: print("Match found:", match) query = "SELECT img_path FROM kanoodle_solver WHERE mapping LIKE %s" match_with_wildcard = f"%{match}%" cursor.execute(query, (match_with_wildcard,)) img_paths.extend([row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]) cursor.close() conn.close() # Returns a Json response return JsonResponse({'img_paths': img_paths})
def get_pieces_data()
Retrieves the data of puzzle pieces.
- A dictionary containing the data of puzzle pieces, including shape, grid, image path, and rotation.
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def get_pieces_data(): """ Retrieves the data of puzzle pieces. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the data of puzzle pieces, including shape, grid, image path, and rotation. """ puzzle_pieces_data = PuzzlePieces.pieces_data.copy() for piece in PuzzlePiece.objects.all(): puzzle_pieces_data[piece.shape] = { 'shape': piece.shape, 'grid': piece.get_grid(), 'image_path': piece.image_path, 'rotation': piece.rotation } return puzzle_pieces_data
def landing(request)
Renders the landing page and handles the form submission.
If the request method is POST, it retrieves the data from the landing form, stores it in the session, and redirects to the 'levels' view. If the request method is GET, it renders the landing.html template.
- The HTTP request object.
- The HTTP response object.
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def landing(request): """ Renders the landing page and handles the form submission. If the request method is POST, it retrieves the data from the landing form, stores it in the session, and redirects to the 'levels' view. If the request method is GET, it renders the landing.html template. Args: request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. Returns: HttpResponse: The HTTP response object. """ if request.method == 'POST': data_from_landing = request.POST.get('data_from_landing', '') request.session['data_from_landing'] = data_from_landing return redirect('polysphere:levels') else: return render(request, 'polysphere_app/landing.html')
def levels(request)
Renders the 'levels.html' template and passes the 'data_from_landing' variable from the session to the template.
- The HTTP request object.
- The rendered response.
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def levels(request): """ Renders the 'levels.html' template and passes the 'data_from_landing' variable from the session to the template. Args: request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. Returns: HttpResponse: The rendered response. """ data_from_landing = request.session.get('data_from_landing', '') return render(request, 'polysphere_app/levels.html', {'data_from_landing': data_from_landing})
def submit_kanoodle_problem(request)
Submits a Kanoodle problem to the server and returns the solution.
- The HTTP request object.
A JSON response containing the problem ID, solution, and time taken in milliseconds.
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@require_http_methods(["POST"]) def submit_kanoodle_problem(request): """ Submits a Kanoodle problem to the server and returns the solution. Args: request: The HTTP request object. Returns: A JSON response containing the problem ID, solution, and time taken in milliseconds. """ # Assume data is now coming from a predefined function or file piece_descriptions = get_pieces_data() grid_width = 3 grid_height = 3 # Create a KanoodleProblem instance and store in the database problem = KanoodleProblem.objects.create( piece_descriptions=json.dumps(piece_descriptions), grid_width=grid_width, grid_height=grid_height ) # Solve the problem using Kanoodle logic start_time = time.time() solutions_str = Kanoodle.findAllSolutions(piece_descriptions, grid_width, grid_height) end_time = time.time() # Create a KanoodleSolution instance and store in the database KanoodleSolution.objects.create(problem=problem, solution_data=solutions_str) # Return the response return JsonResponse({ 'problem_id':, 'solution': solutions_str, 'time_taken_ms': (end_time - start_time) * 1000 }, status=201)