Module polysphere_app.models

Expand source code
# from django.db import models
# import json
# class KanoodleProblem(models.Model):
#     """
#     Represents a Kanoodle problem.
#     Attributes:
#         piece_descriptions (TextField): JSON array of piece strings.
#         grid_width (IntegerField): Width of the grid.
#         grid_height (IntegerField): Height of the grid.
#     """
#     piece_descriptions = models.TextField(help_text="JSON array of piece strings")
#     grid_width = models.IntegerField()
#     grid_height = models.IntegerField()
#     def get_piece_descriptions(self):
#             """Parses and returns the piece descriptions from JSON.
#             Returns:
#                 list: A list of piece descriptions parsed from JSON.
#             """
#             return json.loads(self.piece_descriptions)
# class KanoodleSolution(models.Model):
#     """
#     Represents a solution for a Kanoodle problem.
#     Attributes:
#         problem (KanoodleProblem): The Kanoodle problem associated with the solution.
#         solution_data (str): Formatted string of the solution.
#     """
#     problem = models.ForeignKey(KanoodleProblem, related_name='solutions', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
#     solution_data = models.TextField(help_text="Formatted string of the solution")
#     def get_solution_data(self):
#             """Parses and returns the solution data from JSON if needed.
#             Returns:
#                 The solution data stored in the object.
#             """
#             return self.solution_data  # Or parse as JSON if the data is stored in JSON format
# class PuzzlePiece(models.Model):
#     """
#     Represents a puzzle piece.
#     Attributes:
#         shape (str): The shape of the puzzle piece.
#         grid (str): JSON array of strings representing the piece's shape.
#         image_path (str): The path to the image associated with the puzzle piece.
#         rotation (int): The rotation angle of the puzzle piece.
#     """
#     shape = models.CharField(max_length=1, unique=True)
#     grid = models.TextField(help_text="JSON array of strings representing the piece's shape")
#     image_path = models.CharField(max_length=100)
#     rotation = models.IntegerField(default=0)
#     def get_grid(self):
#             """Parses and returns the grid from JSON.
#             Returns:
#                 dict: The parsed grid as a dictionary.
#             """
#             return json.loads(self.grid)