Module polysphere_app.kanoodle

Created on Tue Nov 7 19:11:51 2023

@author: kadam

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Nov  7 19:11:51 2023

@author: kadam

from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Set
from .DLX import *
import re

from typing import List, Set

class Kanoodle:
    Kanoodle class represents a puzzle-solving game.


        findAllSolutions: Finds all solutions for the Kanoodle puzzle given the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.
        createPieces: Creates a list of Piece objects based on the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.
        createSearchRows: Creates a list of SearchRow objects based on the pieces, grid width, and grid height.
        formatGrid: Formats the solutions as a grid of strings.


    def findAllSolutions(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> str:
        Finds all solutions for the Kanoodle puzzle.

            pieceDescriptions: A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A string representing the formatted solutions of the puzzle, or "No solution found" if no solution is found.
        pieces = Kanoodle.createPieces(pieceDescriptions, gridWidth, gridHeight)

        rows = Kanoodle.createSearchRows(pieces, gridWidth, gridHeight)
        solutions = DLX.solveAll(rows, gridWidth * gridHeight + len(pieces))
        if solutions:
            return Kanoodle.formatGrid(solutions, gridWidth, gridHeight)

        return "No solution found"

    def createPieces(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List['Piece']:
        Creates a list of Piece objects based on the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.

            pieceDescriptions: A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A list of Piece objects.
        return [Piece(desc, i, gridWidth, gridHeight) for i, desc in enumerate(pieceDescriptions)]

    def createSearchRows(pieces: List['Piece'], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List['SearchRow']:
        Creates a list of SearchRow objects based on the pieces, grid width, and grid height.

            pieces: A list of Piece objects representing the puzzle pieces.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A list of SearchRow objects.
        rotations = list(Rotation)
        flipStates = [False, True]
        maxPiecePermutations = len(pieces) * len(rotations) * len(flipStates)
        rows = []
        pieceSignatures: Set[int] = set()

        for piece in pieces:
            for rotation in rotations:
                for flip in flipStates:
                    signature = piece.get_signature(rotation, flip)
                    if signature not in pieceSignatures:
                        maxCol = gridWidth - piece.getWidth(rotation)
                        maxRow = gridHeight - piece.getHeight(rotation)
                        for row in range(maxRow + 1):
                            for col in range(maxCol + 1):
                                rows.append(SearchRow(piece, rotation, col, row, flip))
        return rows

    def formatGrid(solutions: List[List['SearchRow']], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List[List[List[str]]]:
        Formats the solutions as a grid of strings.

            solutions: A list of lists of SearchRow objects representing the solutions.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A list of lists of strings representing the formatted solutions.
        formattedSolutions = []

        # Define a helper function to format a single grid as a string
        def formatSingleGrid(grid):
            formatted = []
            for row in grid:
                formatted_row = ''.join(row)
            return '\n'.join(formatted)

        for sol in solutions:
            grid = [[' ' for _ in range(gridWidth)] for _ in range(gridHeight)]
            for row in sol:
                for r in range(row.piece.getHeight(row.rotation)):
                    for c in range(row.piece.getWidth(row.rotation)):
                        if row.piece.is_tile_at(c, r, row.rotation, row.flipped):
                            grid[row.row + r][row.col + c] = row.piece.symbol
        return '\n\n'.join(formattedSolutions)

from enum import Enum

class Rotation(Enum):
    Enum representing different rotation angles.
        ROTATION_0 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 0 degrees.
        ROTATION_90 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 90 degrees.
        ROTATION_180 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 180 degrees.
        ROTATION_270 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 270 degrees.
    ROTATION_0 = 0
    ROTATION_90 = 1
    ROTATION_180 = 2
    ROTATION_270 = 3

    def __iter__(cls):
        return iter([cls.ROTATION_0, cls.ROTATION_90, cls.ROTATION_180, cls.ROTATION_270])

class Tile:
    def __init__(self, col, row):
        self.col = col
        self.row = row

class Piece:
    def __init__(self, src: str, index: int, gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int):
        Initializes a Piece object.

            src (str): The source string representing the piece.
            index (int): The index of the piece.
            gridWidth (int): The width of the grid.
            gridHeight (int): The height of the grid.
        self.index = index
        self.source = src
        self.symbol = src.strip()[0]
        self.gridWidth = gridWidth
        self.gridHeight = gridHeight
        self.dimensions = Tile(0, 0)
        tiles = self.extractTiles(src, self.dimensions)
        self.bitfield = self.buildBitfield(tiles, self.dimensions)


    def get_signature(self, rotation, flipped):
        Calculates the signature of the piece based on its rotation and flipped status.

            rotation: The rotation of the piece.
            flipped: The flipped status of the piece.

            int: The signature of the piece.
        signature = 0
        for r in range(8):
            for c in range(8):
                if self.is_tile_at(c, r, rotation, flipped):
                    signature |= 1 << (r * 8 + c)
        return signature

class SearchRow(DLX.RowSupplier):
    def __init__(self, piece: Piece, rotation: Rotation, col: int, row: int, flipped: bool):
        Initializes a SearchRow object.

            piece (Piece): The piece associated with the row.
            rotation (Rotation): The rotation of the piece.
            col (int): The column position of the piece.
            row (int): The row position of the piece.
            flipped (bool): Indicates if the piece is flipped or not.
        self.piece = piece
        self.rotation = rotation
        self.col = col
        self.row = row
        self.flipped = flipped

    def is_tile_at(self, c, r):
        Checks if there is a tile at the specified column and row position.

            c (int): The column position.
            r (int): The row position.

            bool: True if there is a tile at the specified position, False otherwise.
        return self.piece.is_tile_at(c - self.col, r - self.row, self.rotation, self.flipped)

    def isColumnOccupied(self, col):
        Checks if the specified column is occupied.

            col (int): The column index.

            bool: True if the column is occupied, False otherwise.
        if col >= self.piece.gridWidth * self.piece.gridHeight:
            return self.piece.index == col - (self.piece.gridWidth * self.piece.gridHeight)

        return self.is_tile_at(col % self.piece.gridWidth, col // self.piece.gridWidth)


class Kanoodle

Kanoodle class represents a puzzle-solving game.




findAllSolutions: Finds all solutions for the Kanoodle puzzle given the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height. createPieces: Creates a list of Piece objects based on the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height. createSearchRows: Creates a list of SearchRow objects based on the pieces, grid width, and grid height. formatGrid: Formats the solutions as a grid of strings.

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class Kanoodle:
    Kanoodle class represents a puzzle-solving game.


        findAllSolutions: Finds all solutions for the Kanoodle puzzle given the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.
        createPieces: Creates a list of Piece objects based on the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.
        createSearchRows: Creates a list of SearchRow objects based on the pieces, grid width, and grid height.
        formatGrid: Formats the solutions as a grid of strings.


    def findAllSolutions(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> str:
        Finds all solutions for the Kanoodle puzzle.

            pieceDescriptions: A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A string representing the formatted solutions of the puzzle, or "No solution found" if no solution is found.
        pieces = Kanoodle.createPieces(pieceDescriptions, gridWidth, gridHeight)

        rows = Kanoodle.createSearchRows(pieces, gridWidth, gridHeight)
        solutions = DLX.solveAll(rows, gridWidth * gridHeight + len(pieces))
        if solutions:
            return Kanoodle.formatGrid(solutions, gridWidth, gridHeight)

        return "No solution found"

    def createPieces(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List['Piece']:
        Creates a list of Piece objects based on the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.

            pieceDescriptions: A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A list of Piece objects.
        return [Piece(desc, i, gridWidth, gridHeight) for i, desc in enumerate(pieceDescriptions)]

    def createSearchRows(pieces: List['Piece'], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List['SearchRow']:
        Creates a list of SearchRow objects based on the pieces, grid width, and grid height.

            pieces: A list of Piece objects representing the puzzle pieces.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A list of SearchRow objects.
        rotations = list(Rotation)
        flipStates = [False, True]
        maxPiecePermutations = len(pieces) * len(rotations) * len(flipStates)
        rows = []
        pieceSignatures: Set[int] = set()

        for piece in pieces:
            for rotation in rotations:
                for flip in flipStates:
                    signature = piece.get_signature(rotation, flip)
                    if signature not in pieceSignatures:
                        maxCol = gridWidth - piece.getWidth(rotation)
                        maxRow = gridHeight - piece.getHeight(rotation)
                        for row in range(maxRow + 1):
                            for col in range(maxCol + 1):
                                rows.append(SearchRow(piece, rotation, col, row, flip))
        return rows

    def formatGrid(solutions: List[List['SearchRow']], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List[List[List[str]]]:
        Formats the solutions as a grid of strings.

            solutions: A list of lists of SearchRow objects representing the solutions.
            gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
            gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

            A list of lists of strings representing the formatted solutions.
        formattedSolutions = []

        # Define a helper function to format a single grid as a string
        def formatSingleGrid(grid):
            formatted = []
            for row in grid:
                formatted_row = ''.join(row)
            return '\n'.join(formatted)

        for sol in solutions:
            grid = [[' ' for _ in range(gridWidth)] for _ in range(gridHeight)]
            for row in sol:
                for r in range(row.piece.getHeight(row.rotation)):
                    for c in range(row.piece.getWidth(row.rotation)):
                        if row.piece.is_tile_at(c, r, row.rotation, row.flipped):
                            grid[row.row + r][row.col + c] = row.piece.symbol
        return '\n\n'.join(formattedSolutions)

Static methods

def createPieces(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) ‑> List[Piece]

Creates a list of Piece objects based on the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.


A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.


A list of Piece objects.

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def createPieces(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List['Piece']:
    Creates a list of Piece objects based on the piece descriptions, grid width, and grid height.

        pieceDescriptions: A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
        gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
        gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

        A list of Piece objects.
    return [Piece(desc, i, gridWidth, gridHeight) for i, desc in enumerate(pieceDescriptions)]
def createSearchRows(pieces: List[ForwardRef('Piece')], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) ‑> List[SearchRow]

Creates a list of SearchRow objects based on the pieces, grid width, and grid height.


A list of Piece objects representing the puzzle pieces.
An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.


A list of SearchRow objects.

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def createSearchRows(pieces: List['Piece'], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List['SearchRow']:
    Creates a list of SearchRow objects based on the pieces, grid width, and grid height.

        pieces: A list of Piece objects representing the puzzle pieces.
        gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
        gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

        A list of SearchRow objects.
    rotations = list(Rotation)
    flipStates = [False, True]
    maxPiecePermutations = len(pieces) * len(rotations) * len(flipStates)
    rows = []
    pieceSignatures: Set[int] = set()

    for piece in pieces:
        for rotation in rotations:
            for flip in flipStates:
                signature = piece.get_signature(rotation, flip)
                if signature not in pieceSignatures:
                    maxCol = gridWidth - piece.getWidth(rotation)
                    maxRow = gridHeight - piece.getHeight(rotation)
                    for row in range(maxRow + 1):
                        for col in range(maxCol + 1):
                            rows.append(SearchRow(piece, rotation, col, row, flip))
    return rows
def findAllSolutions(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) ‑> str

Finds all solutions for the Kanoodle puzzle.


A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.


A string representing the formatted solutions of the puzzle, or "No solution found" if no solution is found.

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def findAllSolutions(pieceDescriptions: List[str], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> str:
    Finds all solutions for the Kanoodle puzzle.

        pieceDescriptions: A list of strings representing the descriptions of the puzzle pieces.
        gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
        gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

        A string representing the formatted solutions of the puzzle, or "No solution found" if no solution is found.
    pieces = Kanoodle.createPieces(pieceDescriptions, gridWidth, gridHeight)

    rows = Kanoodle.createSearchRows(pieces, gridWidth, gridHeight)
    solutions = DLX.solveAll(rows, gridWidth * gridHeight + len(pieces))
    if solutions:
        return Kanoodle.formatGrid(solutions, gridWidth, gridHeight)

    return "No solution found"
def formatGrid(solutions: List[List[ForwardRef('SearchRow')]], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) ‑> List[List[List[str]]]

Formats the solutions as a grid of strings.


A list of lists of SearchRow objects representing the solutions.
An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.


A list of lists of strings representing the formatted solutions.

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def formatGrid(solutions: List[List['SearchRow']], gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int) -> List[List[List[str]]]:
    Formats the solutions as a grid of strings.

        solutions: A list of lists of SearchRow objects representing the solutions.
        gridWidth: An integer representing the width of the puzzle grid.
        gridHeight: An integer representing the height of the puzzle grid.

        A list of lists of strings representing the formatted solutions.
    formattedSolutions = []

    # Define a helper function to format a single grid as a string
    def formatSingleGrid(grid):
        formatted = []
        for row in grid:
            formatted_row = ''.join(row)
        return '\n'.join(formatted)

    for sol in solutions:
        grid = [[' ' for _ in range(gridWidth)] for _ in range(gridHeight)]
        for row in sol:
            for r in range(row.piece.getHeight(row.rotation)):
                for c in range(row.piece.getWidth(row.rotation)):
                    if row.piece.is_tile_at(c, r, row.rotation, row.flipped):
                        grid[row.row + r][row.col + c] = row.piece.symbol
    return '\n\n'.join(formattedSolutions)
class Piece (src: str, index: int, gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int)

Initializes a Piece object.


src : str
The source string representing the piece.
index : int
The index of the piece.
gridWidth : int
The width of the grid.
gridHeight : int
The height of the grid.
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class Piece:
    def __init__(self, src: str, index: int, gridWidth: int, gridHeight: int):
        Initializes a Piece object.

            src (str): The source string representing the piece.
            index (int): The index of the piece.
            gridWidth (int): The width of the grid.
            gridHeight (int): The height of the grid.
        self.index = index
        self.source = src
        self.symbol = src.strip()[0]
        self.gridWidth = gridWidth
        self.gridHeight = gridHeight
        self.dimensions = Tile(0, 0)
        tiles = self.extractTiles(src, self.dimensions)
        self.bitfield = self.buildBitfield(tiles, self.dimensions)


    def get_signature(self, rotation, flipped):
        Calculates the signature of the piece based on its rotation and flipped status.

            rotation: The rotation of the piece.
            flipped: The flipped status of the piece.

            int: The signature of the piece.
        signature = 0
        for r in range(8):
            for c in range(8):
                if self.is_tile_at(c, r, rotation, flipped):
                    signature |= 1 << (r * 8 + c)
        return signature


def get_signature(self, rotation, flipped)

Calculates the signature of the piece based on its rotation and flipped status.


The rotation of the piece.
The flipped status of the piece.


The signature of the piece.
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def get_signature(self, rotation, flipped):
    Calculates the signature of the piece based on its rotation and flipped status.

        rotation: The rotation of the piece.
        flipped: The flipped status of the piece.

        int: The signature of the piece.
    signature = 0
    for r in range(8):
        for c in range(8):
            if self.is_tile_at(c, r, rotation, flipped):
                signature |= 1 << (r * 8 + c)
    return signature
class Rotation (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Enum representing different rotation angles.


ROTATION_0 : int
Represents a rotation angle of 0 degrees.
ROTATION_90 : int
Represents a rotation angle of 90 degrees.
ROTATION_180 : int
Represents a rotation angle of 180 degrees.
ROTATION_270 : int
Represents a rotation angle of 270 degrees.
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class Rotation(Enum):
    Enum representing different rotation angles.
        ROTATION_0 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 0 degrees.
        ROTATION_90 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 90 degrees.
        ROTATION_180 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 180 degrees.
        ROTATION_270 (int): Represents a rotation angle of 270 degrees.
    ROTATION_0 = 0
    ROTATION_90 = 1
    ROTATION_180 = 2
    ROTATION_270 = 3

    def __iter__(cls):
        return iter([cls.ROTATION_0, cls.ROTATION_90, cls.ROTATION_180, cls.ROTATION_270])


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var ROTATION_180
var ROTATION_270
class SearchRow (piece: Piece, rotation: Rotation, col: int, row: int, flipped: bool)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

Initializes a SearchRow object.


piece : Piece
The piece associated with the row.
rotation : Rotation
The rotation of the piece.
col : int
The column position of the piece.
row : int
The row position of the piece.
flipped : bool
Indicates if the piece is flipped or not.
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class SearchRow(DLX.RowSupplier):
    def __init__(self, piece: Piece, rotation: Rotation, col: int, row: int, flipped: bool):
        Initializes a SearchRow object.

            piece (Piece): The piece associated with the row.
            rotation (Rotation): The rotation of the piece.
            col (int): The column position of the piece.
            row (int): The row position of the piece.
            flipped (bool): Indicates if the piece is flipped or not.
        self.piece = piece
        self.rotation = rotation
        self.col = col
        self.row = row
        self.flipped = flipped

    def is_tile_at(self, c, r):
        Checks if there is a tile at the specified column and row position.

            c (int): The column position.
            r (int): The row position.

            bool: True if there is a tile at the specified position, False otherwise.
        return self.piece.is_tile_at(c - self.col, r - self.row, self.rotation, self.flipped)

    def isColumnOccupied(self, col):
        Checks if the specified column is occupied.

            col (int): The column index.

            bool: True if the column is occupied, False otherwise.
        if col >= self.piece.gridWidth * self.piece.gridHeight:
            return self.piece.index == col - (self.piece.gridWidth * self.piece.gridHeight)

        return self.is_tile_at(col % self.piece.gridWidth, col // self.piece.gridWidth)



def isColumnOccupied(self, col)

Checks if the specified column is occupied.


col : int
The column index.


True if the column is occupied, False otherwise.
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def isColumnOccupied(self, col):
    Checks if the specified column is occupied.

        col (int): The column index.

        bool: True if the column is occupied, False otherwise.
    if col >= self.piece.gridWidth * self.piece.gridHeight:
        return self.piece.index == col - (self.piece.gridWidth * self.piece.gridHeight)

    return self.is_tile_at(col % self.piece.gridWidth, col // self.piece.gridWidth)
def is_tile_at(self, c, r)

Checks if there is a tile at the specified column and row position.


c : int
The column position.
r : int
The row position.


True if there is a tile at the specified position, False otherwise.
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def is_tile_at(self, c, r):
    Checks if there is a tile at the specified column and row position.

        c (int): The column position.
        r (int): The row position.

        bool: True if there is a tile at the specified position, False otherwise.
    return self.piece.is_tile_at(c - self.col, r - self.row, self.rotation, self.flipped)
class Tile (col, row)
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class Tile:
    def __init__(self, col, row):
        self.col = col
        self.row = row