
N-Queens Solver


N-queen is one of the puzzles for the players who are interested in playing the chess. In this puzzle, players have to find out the possible solutions by arranging or picking items based on certain rules or limitations. The movement and placement of the chess pieces need to conform the certain rule. This rule includes the players has to make sure not to place two queens in the same row, column, or diagonal at the same time.


The impact of this puzzle is supporting people who wants to explore the nature of algorithms and the process of web development. And also it has better support to people with disabilities and different players to improve their IQ skills. By developing this kind of puzzle web application, new developers and students can accquire new knowledge about the alogorithms. For the players of this puzzle, solving the puzzles with different chessboard size can improve their creative thinking.

How many solutions ?

There are 724 solutions for the chessboard size of 4x4 to 10x10. All the solutions are calculated and are shown in a short timeframe by using the Backtracking Algorithm.


The chessboard size is limited from 4x4 to 10x10 because of the heavy compute resource required to solve puzzle higher than 10. The limitations of the chessboard are intended to develop in the future to get the better with more levels as we integrate DLX algorithm and optimize it to make it more user friendly.

Author: ASE Group 6

A group of students from the module Advanced Software Engineering studying at the University of Sussex.