

N-Queens Solver

N-queen is one of the puzzles for the players who are interested in playing the chess. In this puzzle, players have to find out the possible solutions by arranging or picking items based on certain rules or limitations. The movement and placement of the chess pieces need to conform the certain rule. This rule includes the players has to make sure not to place two queens in the same row, column, or diagonal at the same time.

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Polysphere Pro

Polysphere Pro is placing a set of 12 colorful pieces into a three-dimensional puzzle board. The pieces have different forms, and the goal is to arrange them so that they fit together. Pattern Matching Puzzles frequently need spatial reasoning, vision, and strategic thinking. Identifying and managing patterns in a spatial context is required to solve them. Arranging parts to match a precise pattern, building structures, or accomplishing objectives within a limited space can all be challenging.

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Polysphere Extreme

This game is a extreme puzzle solver where players manipulate and solve puzzles with pyramid-shaped structures and three-dimensional spherical objects. Challenges may involve adjusting or placing the different pieces within a three-dimensional space to get a pyramid structure.

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